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  • 《金融服务法评论》第三卷













    General Theory of Financial Service Law


    金融衍生交易法律问题的分析框架:跨越金融部门法的界限           刘燕  楼建波

    Analysis Framework of Legal Issues of Financial Directive Transaction/ Liu Yan, Lou Jianbo


    论金融服务法对金融法调整对象的新发展       曾筱清  马俊

    On Development of the Adjustable Subject from Financial Law to Financial Service Law/ Zeng Xiaoqing, Ma Jun  


    我国商业银行收费的合法性及正当性分析       伏军

    On Legitimacy and Rightfulness of Commercial Banks’ Charging Issues /Fu Jun



    集合投资计划的法律规制研究    杨东

    On Legal Regulation of the Collective Investment Scheme/Yang Dong


    英国《2010年金融服务法》评述      夏纯 井维维 梁青

    Review of Financial Services Act 2010 of UK /Xia Chun, Jing Weiwei, Liang Qing



    ——以北岩银行流动性危机为视角    刘志宇

    Review of A New Approach to Financial Regulation of UK /Liu Zhiyu


    金融服务法围绕知识产权的创新与发展探讨    李宗发

    On Innovation and Development of Financial Services Law With Regard to Intellectual Property /Li Zongfa


    金融法院(庭)比较研究                                               邢会强

    A Comparative Study of Financial Courts/ Xing Huiqiang



    Micro Finance and Financial Inclusion  


    微型金融的设计和非正式金融    Mark Schreiner  张哲

    Informal Finance and the Design of Microfinance / Written by Mark Schreiner; Translated by Zhang Zhe


    ——供亚太地区决策者参考       Nimal A. Fernando 韩东娥


    Understanding and Dealing with High Interest Rates on Microcredit——A Note to Policy Makers in the Asia and Pacific Region/ Written by Nimal A. Fernando; Translated by Han Dong’e


    论我国农村小额贷款的立法问题       袁达松 徐晓颖

    On the Legislation of Rural Micro-Credit / Yuan Dasong, Xu Xiaoying


    政府为促进金融包容性而采取的立法措施      Bernard Bayot, Lise Disneur, Elaine Kempson  袁仕甜

    Legislative Action by Governments to Promote Financial Inclusion / Written by Bernard Bayot, Lise Disneur, Elaine Kempson; Translated by Yuan Shitian

    解决爱尔兰的金融排斥       Charlie  Mccreevy 霍鹏宇

    Tacking Financial Exclusion In Ireland  / Written by Charlie Mccreevy; Translated by Huo Pengyu



    Insurance Law


    美国洪水保险法律制度的变革及其启示    任自力

    Reform of The National Flood Insurance Program of USA and Its Enlightment / Ren Zili


    论人身保险合同不可抗辩条款的适用及例外    王西刚宋永存

    On Application of the Incontestable Clause in Life Insurance and Its Exemption / Wang Xigang, Song Yongcun



    ——兼论《保险法》第34条之司法解释  梁鹏

    Right of Consent of the Insuree under the New Insurance Law / Liang Peng


    论保障农村金融发展的保险机制之构建    张长利

    On Establishment of the Insurance Mechanism for Rural Financial Development / Zhang Changli



    Security law


    我国台湾地区规制证券短线交易的法律制度研究                             邱永红

    Research on the Institution of Short Trading in Taiwan District /Qiu Yonghong


    完善内幕交易罪举证责任的思考   聂孝红

    Perfection of Responsibility of Evidence in Insider Trading /Nie Xiaohong



    ——以资本市场为例    郭雳

    Rethinking and Reconstruction of the Legal Responsibility of the Financial Media Service Agencies/ Guo Li



    Financial Regulation

     “双峰”模式的回归  迈克尔•W.•泰勒 康娅忱 刘晶

    The Road from “Twin Peaks” and the Way Back / Written by Michael W. Taylor; Translated by Liu Jing


    论宏观审慎监管视角下巴塞尔跨境银行监管的改善       王刚  杨文云

    Improvement of Basel Committee on Cross-border Banking Supervision from the Macro-Prudential Perspective / Wang Gang, Yang Wenyun


    金融稳定之微观审慎度与宏观审慎度的结合    安德鲁•科罗克特   戚腾月

    Marrying the Micro- and Macro-prudential Dimensions of Financial Stability / Written by Andrew Crockett; Translated by    Qi Tengyue



    中国跨境破产的理论与实践       杨挽涛 陈胜

    Theory and Practice of Cross-Border Bankruptcy/ Yang Wantao, Chen Sheng



    Legal Translations of Foreign Financial Service Law


    国际清算银行等《金融产品和服务零售销售中的客户适合性》    王辰鹏

    Customer Suitability in the Retail Sale of Financial Products and Services by Bank of International Settlements  /Translated by Wang Chenpeng


    加拿大《金融消费者管理局法》       张亚男 王苑竹 审校

    Financial Consumer Agency of Canada Act /Translated by Zhang Ya-nan, Examined and Proofread by Wang Yuanzhu


    俄罗斯《小额信贷和小额信贷机构联邦法律》       王苑竹

    Russian Federal Law No. 151-FZ of 2010 on Microfinance and Microfinance Organisations /Translated by Wang Yuanzhu


    英国《金融监管的新方法:判断、焦点及稳定性》       刘志宇 曾筱清 审校

    A New Approach to Financial Regulation: Judgement, Focus and Stability of UK /Translated by Liu Zhiyu, Examined and Proofread by Zeng Xiaoqing



    Legislation proposal


    《金融消费者保护法》草案(建议稿)及说明    西北政法大学金融法研究中心“中国金融消费者保护立法研究”课题组

    Draft Proposal and Explanatiaon of Financial Consumer Protection Law/ Research Team of China Financial Consumer Protection Legislation, Financial Laws Research Center of NorthWest University of Politics and Law








